Рецензии на книги |“Unknown Market Wizards” Jack Shwager review about ***Peter Brandt***

“Unknown Market Wizards” Jack Shwager review about ***Peter Brandt***

Hello traders 👋

Today I want to share with you a review of the first trader from the last book of Jack Schwager “Unknown Market Wizards

His name is ***Peter Brandt***

27 years of trading experience till 2020 (when the book was published for the first time)

14 and 13 years in a row with 11 years of pause between 😱

Settled in this business as a trainee for a commodity broker in the year 1972. Started his own trading around 1976, and from 1981 had a track record.

His average annual return is 58% 🏋️

Sharp ratio = 1.11, Sortino ratio = 3.00 Gain to pain ratio = 2.81

Succeeds nonetheless because his average gain is much larger than his average loss.

He is a breakout trader.

Bad years 1988 🆘 (After nine good years I got sloppy. I would enter chart patterns too early. I would chase markets. I didn’t have orders where I should have.) 

And in 2013 🆘 when he decided to accept other people's money (That messed up his trading. I was out of sync with my approach. I am not being disciplined. I am not being patient. I’m jumping the gun on trades. I am taking positions before the market confirms them. I am taking trades on inferior patterns.)

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